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Although the beauty of some dog breeds is indisputable, it is important to recognize that there are those that may not stand out so much in this regard.

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Dogs considered the ugliest in the world often have squashed faces or sparsely haired bodies, characteristics not found in the most acclaimed and desired breeds.

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Here we list the 10 ugliest dogs in the world. We leave the order to you.

1 – Chinese crested dog

The Chinese crested dog is widely known as one of the ugliest dogs in the world. Its most notable (and considered ugly) appearance is characterized by the absence of hair on most of the body, with the exception of the top of the head, ears, paws and tail, where hair is still present.

2 – Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan mastiff stands out for its imposing head, which is incredibly large and full of fur folds, in addition to having a wrinkled forehead and drooping eyes.

Originally from Italy, this dog was developed to perform a guard function, and is characterized by its impressive size and strength, and males can reach up to 90 kg in weight.