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Did you know that there are now really cool apps to do vision tests on your cell phone? And truth!

These apps are super practical and can give you an idea of how your vision is going. Some of them have visual acuity charts where you can adjust the size of the letters and test their clarity at different distances.

Others go further and offer tests for color, color blindness, and even astigmatism. But hey, remember, these apps don't replace a visit to the ophthalmologist, ok?

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After all, it's always good to have a professional look to take good care of our eyes. But in the meantime, these apps are a handy tool for making an initial assessment of your vision.

So how about checking them out and seeing how your vision is going in a fun way?

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Assess Your Visual Acuity Conveniently

EyeQue VisionCheck

EyeQue VisionCheck is a cool app to test your vision using a handheld device. Just imagine, you can take a super accurate test of your visual acuity without having to leave your house!

The app guides you through a series of visual tests, and the device, called the EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker, does all the magic.

It's easy to use and provides a very accurate measurement of your vision. Want a practical and modern way to take care of your eyes? Take a look at this app, it's awesome!

eye test

You know those moments when you're curious to know how your vision is doing? The Eye Test app can be a quick and fun solution!

With it, you can do a basic vision test using visual acuity charts. Just adjust the size of the letters and perform the test at different distances to see how sharp your vision is.

It's like having an eye exam room in the palm of your hand! Of course, it is worth remembering that the app does not replace a consultation with a professional, but it's a nice way to get an initial sense of your eye health. So how about giving the Eye Test a chance and find out how your eyes are doing?

Vision Test

If you're looking for a complete app to assess the health of your eyes, Vision Test is a great option!

With a variety of visual tests available, you can check your visual acuity, detect color problems, perform color blindness tests and even check for astigmatism.

It's like having a virtual ophthalmologist on your phone! But remember, while it's a useful feature, the application does not replace a professional consultation.

It is always important to consult an ophthalmologist for an accurate diagnosis. So why not give Vision Test a try and learn more about the health of your eyes in a practical and convenient way?

Eye Handbook

The Eye Handbook is the perfect app for anyone looking for information and resources related to ophthalmology. With an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, it offers a wide range of useful features.

In addition to Snellen charts to test your visual acuity, the Eye Handbook also provides information about eye diseases, treatments and medications.

It's like having a complete guide to eye health in the palm of your hand! Remember that the app serves as a complementary source of information and does not replace a professional medical consultation.

Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns about your vision, be sure to consult a qualified ophthalmologist. Try the Eye Handbook and gain access to a world of eye knowledge!

peek acuity

Peek Acuity is an amazing app to assess visual acuity in an accurate and standardized way. With its virtual Snellen chart and an advanced algorithm, it allows you to perform vision tests in different lighting conditions.

The app is easy to use and provides reliable results for estimating your vision quality. However, it is important to remember that Peek Acuity is not a substitute for a full eye consultation.

It is always recommended to consult a professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized care for your vision.

Try Peek Acuity to get an initial sense of your visual acuity, but be sure to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist for complete care.

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