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Have you ever imagined having access to the complete programming of EWTN, one of the largest Catholic channels in the world, and being able to watch it directly on your cell phone?

First, for many believers, the ability to watch EWTN's Masses, novenas, and inspirational programs at any time is a true blessing.

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Whether you want to watch live broadcasts or watch recorded content, there are several app options that make it easy to access the EWTN network.

Therefore, in this text we will show you how you can easily take advantage of these resources and stay connected with your faith wherever you are.

How the EWTN Channel Came About

The channel EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) was founded on August 15, 1981 by Mother Angelica, a Franciscan Poor Clare nun from Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Irondale, Alabama, USA.

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The story of its founding is remarkable, as the idea of creating a Catholic television network came from Mother Angelica's desire to evangelize more broadly.

She believed that the media could be used to share the Catholic faith with millions of people around the world.

However, over the years the network has expanded globally, broadcasting in several languages including English and Spanish, and is now available in more than 140 countries. In addition to television, EWTN also offers radio, a website with a vast library of Catholic documents, and online streaming platforms.

Today, the EWTN is the largest Catholic media network in the world and continues to expand, remaining true to Mother Angelica's vision of using the media to spread the gospel and strengthen the Catholic faith.

How to watch EWTN through apps?

There are currently several app options that allow you to watch the channel EWTN in a practical and free way.

Therefore, these apps were developed to facilitate access to religious content and are ideal for those who want to constantly strengthen their faith.

Here are the best apps for that:

EWTN App: This is the official EWTN app. Available for both Android and iOS devices, it offers live streaming of the channel, as well as a vast library of videos with recorded masses, programs and prayers.

You can also listen to EWTN radio, which complements its programming with music and religious reflections.

YouTube: EWTN also has its own YouTube channel, where you can watch live broadcasts and access videos of past shows. This is a good option for those who prefer the familiar YouTube interface.

First, you can download the YouTube app on your mobile device and subscribe to the channel. EWTN to receive notifications about new videos.

Streaming TV platforms: If you prefer to watch from the comfort of your television, EWTN is available on several pay TV services, such as Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, between others.

Therefore, many of these services have their own apps, allowing you to watch the EWTN channel on your cell phone as well.


    For Catholics looking for a practical way to keep their spirituality active, the apps of EWTN are an excellent solution.

    Whether you're attending morning Mass, praying the rosary, or watching a documentary about the saints, these apps ensure you have God's word at your fingertips whenever you need it.

    This way, you can take faith and spirituality with you wherever you go.