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Currently in Brazil, more than 21 million families receive the benefit of Bolsa Família, which will see the biggest increase in history in the coming months.

Therefore, the website brought an article today explaining to you everything about this increase and how many families can have it.

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To start, let's explain what Bolsa Família is and how you can get it.

You and your family need to register with CRAS for each child and with the details of each of them.

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How is the new Bolsa Família being implemented?

The implementation of Bolsa Família has been carried out in a few stages.

In March, with the launch of the Program, the Early Childhood Benefit began to be paid, in the amount of R$ 150.00 for each child aged 0 to 6 years old.

In the same month, there were also some updates, as we can see in
timeline below.

Due to the need to make operational adjustments, the other benefits of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF) –
Citizenship Income Benefit, Supplementary Benefit, Family Variable Benefit and Benefit
Extraordinary Transition Payment – will begin to be paid in June 2023, concluding the implementation of the

Guidance for new users who want the benefit.

If you still don't receive the benefit and want access to it, pay attention to these tips:

Upon entering the Program, families receive, by post, at the address informed during the
registration, 2 letters sent by BOX:

  • Concession letter, informing that the family entered the Program and with general information about the PBF, and
  • Letter with the Bolsa Família Card, informing how to unlock and use the card, family commitments and the payment schedule.

The beneficiary family can receive the social card (magnetic card) or the Bolsa debit card

Anyone who has a digital social savings account and digital savings account will be able to receive the card
Bolsa Família banking.

Families who do not have a bank account will receive a social card from the

Note: The digital social savings account can be opened automatically, in the name of the
Family Responsible, for beneficiaries who have the minimum data in the Single Registry.

If the family does not receive the card, the beneficiary must call the CAIXA Citizen Service Center, 0800 726 0207, to check the location of the card.

Another good thing for those who benefit from the program is that you can have approved financing, an approved credit card even with name restrictions.

You can try to have an approved credit card as your bill payment can be deducted directly from your benefit.

So, if you still don't receive Bolsa Família and want to do so now, do as we explained above and have your benefit card to receive your Bolsa Família.

Share the link to this article with your friends and family so they can also receive the benefit.

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