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In this article, you will learn how to order the digital antenna kit in Brazil.

What is the digital antenna kit?

O digital antenna kit is a set of equipment that allows televisions that do not have a digital signal to receive the digital signal of free-to-air television.

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This Kit includes a UHF antenna, a digital converter and the necessary cables to make the connection between the antenna and the converter and between the converter and the TV.

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According to the Federal Government, the purpose of this initiative is to offer better image and audio quality to the Brazilian population, especially the low-income population.

How to order the digital antenna kit?

The request of kit may vary depending on your location and specific government programs.

In addition, in some regions, state and local governments offer programs for free distribution of the kit.

To check if there are any programs in progress in your city or region, it is necessary to contact the city hall or the Secretary of Communication of the state government.

They will be able to inform you if there is any program in progress and how to proceed to request the kit.

It is also possible to order the kit online. Just go to the program website Follow tuned and follow the steps below:

  • Access the website Follow tuned;
  • On the home page, click on “distribution of kits”;
  • Then inform the Social Identification Number (NIS) or CPF;
  • Fill in the necessary data;
  • Finally, answer a brief questionnaire to request the kit;

In addition, it is possible to purchase the digital antenna kit at specialized electronics stores.

Digital antennas come in a variety of models and prices, and can be found at department stores, specialty electronics stores, and on e-commerce sites.


O kit is a great solution to help people access TV channels at no cost.

In conclusion, it is simple to install and configure, in addition to providing excellent services for those looking to receive digital television signals.

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