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Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian healing technique that promotes forgiveness and reconciliation, helping you find inner balance.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by daily stress and worries? What if I told you that there is an ancient practice that can bring peace and harmony to your life?

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In this article, we'll explore how Ho'oponopono can transform your life and present the best free apps for you to start practicing today!

What is this practice?

Firstly, Ho'oponopono is a practice of Hawaiian origin that means “correcting a mistake” or “making it right”.

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Therefore, this technique is used to cleanse and purify the mind and spirit, promoting forgiveness and emotional healing.

Therefore, the practice involves repeating simple phrases such as “I'm sorry”, “Forgive me”, “I love you” and “I'm grateful” to release negative emotions and promote inner peace.

It has its roots in ancient Hawaiian traditions and was originally used as a method of resolving conflicts within families and communities.

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian healer, modernized the practice and made it accessible to people around the world.

Today, Ho'oponopono is widely used as a powerful tool for emotional healing and reconciliation.

Advantages of Practicing Ho'oponopono

Practicing Ho'oponopono offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Stress Reduction: Regular practice helps to relieve stress and anxiety, thus promoting a feeling of calm and well-being.
  • Improving Relationships: By promoting forgiveness and reconciliation, Ho'oponopono helps improve personal and professional relationships.
  • Increased Self-Awareness: Repetition of phrases encourages inner reflection and self-knowledge.
  • Emotional Healing: Releases accumulated negative emotions, therefore allowing emotional healing and inner peace.

Free Apps to Practice Ho'oponopono

Now that you know the benefits of Ho'oponopono, it's time to start practicing!

So, here are the best free apps available for iOS and Android:

1. Ho'oponopono Basic

This app offers a simple and effective introduction, with audio guides and daily practices.

2. Ho'oponopono Meditations

Perfect for those who want to deepen their practice with guided meditations and daily affirmations.

3. Ho'oponopono Cleaning

Focused on emotional cleansing, this app offers tools to help you release negative feelings.

How to begin?

To start practicing, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download one of the recommended apps at the links above.
  2. Set aside a few minutes a day to sit in a quiet place and repeat the sentences.
  3. Allow yourself to feel the emotions that arise and release them with love and gratitude.


Ho'oponopono is a powerful practice that can transform your life, bringing peace, harmony and emotional healing.

So, with the free apps mentioned above, you can start your journey of self-knowledge and forgiveness today.