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Have you ever been in the situation of anxiously waiting for your bags on the airport conveyor belt, only to discover that they haven't arrived? I know what this feeling of anguish and frustration is like.

That's exactly why I started looking for ways to track my bags and believe me, I found some amazing solutions that don't cost a thing!

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Today, I want to share with you the best free apps for tracking bags and ensuring your travels run more smoothly.

Free Apps to Track Bags

It all started when I lost my suitcase during a trip to Europe. I was desperate, not knowing where she was or when I would get her back.

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I decided I couldn't go through that again. So, I started researching and testing different apps that promised to track suitcases. Here are the best apps for Tracking Bags:

Find My Luggage

The first application I tested was Find My Luggage. It is super easy to use and works on both Android and iOS. Simply register your luggage before traveling and the app does the rest.

Best of all, it's free! I was able to track my bag from check-in to baggage claim, which gave me a lot of peace of mind.

This application is available at android It is iOS.

Baggage Tracker to track suitcases

Another app that I loved was Baggage Tracker. This one is a little more complete, as in addition to tracking the suitcase's location, it sends real-time notifications about its status.

Just imagine: you're waiting at the boarding gate and you receive a message saying that your bag is already on board! It's amazing and, of course, completely free.

This application is available at android It is iOS.

Bag Check

O Bag Check also deserves mention. It uses geolocation technology to track your bags and has a very user-friendly interface.

Additionally, you can add multiple bags at the same time and track them all through the app.

For me, this was a big difference, as I often travel with more than one piece of luggage.

This application is available at android It is iOS.

Benefits of Using Apps to Track Bags

Now, you might be wondering, “Why should I use these apps?” Well, here are some reasons that convinced me:

  • Tranquility: Knowing where your bags are at all times eliminates stress and worry.
  • Time saving: You don't have to wait at baggage claim without knowing if your suitcase has arrived.
  • Free: All the apps I mentioned are free, so you don't need to spend anything to ensure the safety of your bags.

Conclusion: Travel with More Safety and Less Worry

In short, tracking your bags has never been easier and more affordable. With these free apps, you can travel more safely and with less worry.

I myself don't go on a trip without registering my bags on one of these apps. After all, no one deserves to go through the anxiety of losing luggage, right?

I hope these tips are as helpful to you as they were to me.

So, ready for your next trip with the peace of mind of knowing exactly where your bags are? Download one of these apps and give it a try!

Have a good trip and see you on your next adventure! ✈️🌍