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Do you know that Loan for Negatives It exists and it is not difficult to get it from your bank or some others that we will mention in this article.

That's right….

Loan for Negatives It exists and we will show you how you can do it.

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So, read this article until the end to find out how to do it. loan for negative It is negative credit card.

There are some types of credit that serve negative people and banks lend money to people calmly.

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Have you ever heard of Loan with Guarantee?

A secured loan is certainly one of the easiest ways to get credit from banks.

Traditional banks such as Santander, Itaú, Bradesco, among others offer this type of loan.

And, in addition to those mentioned, digital banks such as NUbank, C6 Bank, Banco inter and Digi also have this line of credit.

How to take out a Loan for the Negative

The loan is very simple.

In fact, to obtain this type of credit, the customer needs to have a car or property to put up as collateral.

  • Loan with vehicle guarantee:

The vehicle collateral loan works in such a way that you leave your vehicle attached to your contract as a guarantee of payment.

Therefore, if you do not pay your debt, in addition to your name being included in the list of bad debtors of credit protection agencies such as SCPC and SERASA, the bank can still take your car as payment.

Interest rates for this type of loan are generally lower than other types.

This means an average of 1.45% per month.

  • Loan with property guarantee:

The Property Guaranteed Loan works in practically the same way.

However, because the guarantee is more valuable than a vehicle, the bank responsible for the credit releases a much higher amount and can thus be divided into many more installments.

For example:

If you have a property worth R$500,000.00 you can borrow up to R$320,000.00 which amounts to around 65% of the value of the asset.

At Cashme, for example, you can pay in up to 240 installments with interest of around 0.89% per month.

Do you want to simulate your loan? Click here!

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